Expired .ALFAROMEO Domains

.ALFAROMEO Registry Information

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What is the .alfaromeo domain name?

.alfaromeo domain name is the generic top-level domain (gTLD) for Alfa Romeo cars and their fans.

The .alfaromeo domain extension will be used by car lovers as a web address to find news, information about events such as shows and races, customizing tips and tricks, spare part sources, and even to discover and purchase new Alfa Romeo models.

How .alfaromeo domain name is helpful?

Alfaromeo domain name will help Alfa Romeo owners and fans:

- Find, recommend and share information about their favorite cars;

- Promote and participate in initiatives and events (e.g., sharing rides);

- Reach potential buyers for their car when they want to sell them;

- Find tuning tips and tricks;

- Access, share information about spare parts sources.

The registration of .alfaromeo domain names is reserved to Alfa Romeo owners who are also registered users on alfaromeo.it.

On the first day of general availability, anyone will be able to register his/her name as a .alfaromeo domain name on a first-come, first-served basis.

The .alfaromeo top-level domain will represent the Alfa Romeo community and all aficionados of the brand.

As such, it is expected to have a global outreach and appeal.

What are the registration restrictions for a .alfaromeo domain name?

The .alfaromeo domain extension qualifies the registrants to express their passion for Alfa Romeo cars.

Alfa Romeo will therefore impose some criteria on the registration of names.

Here are the main ones:

- Ownership of an Alfa Romeo car or, alternatively, being a registered user on alfaromeo.it;

- A minimum of 6 months experience with the Alfa Romeo car before registering for a .alfaromeo domain name;

- The person applying for this domain extension must not have an outstanding debt to Alfa Romeo.

To register a .alfaromeo domain name, registrants must be Alfa Romeo owners who are also registered users of alfaromeo.it or of any other website owned by Fiat Group where the registration is made available.

.alfaromeo domain name registration is open to the general public on a first-come, first-served basis.

Only natural persons may register .alfaromeo domain names; third parties cannot apply for one.

What are the conditions for obtaining a .alfaromeo domain name?

Only people who own an Alfa Romeo (new or used) may apply to register one or more .alfaromeo domain names.

All registrants must be users of alfaromeo.it and their Alfa Romeo cars must be at least 30 days old.

The application for .alfaromeo domain name must include the NAFDAC certificate (proof of Alfa Romeo ownership) and alfaromeo.it user registration.

As part of the process, applicants will receive an email confirming their interest in obtaining a .alfaromeo web address; registrants must click on this email to confirm their interest.

After completing the registration, applicants will receive an email notifying them of the process stage and of the number of .alfaromeo domain names available for their car model.

What is the common second-level .alfaromeo domain name?

The second-level domain name is the actual domain name.

All second-level domains will be composed of two parts: <firstname>.<lastname>, where <firstname> can be any first name, and .<lastname> is the last name of the registrant or his family.

In addition to the .alfaromeo domain name, a second-level domain name will be available for each Alfa Romeo car model.

In addition, the registration of a custom name as a .com or other web address will be possible on a first-come, first-served basis by those registrants that do not have an Alfa Romeo car model-specific second-level domain.