Expired .BBVA Domains

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What do mean by the term .bbva domain name?

A .bbva domain name is a domain name that has been designed and created by the BBVA bank to be used as an email address of any BBVA customer who wants to have such an email address.

The domain name is an alternative email address that allows customers to have a professional and dedicated personal email address.

The domains are intended for use with all types of devices, such as PCs, mobile phones, tablets, or other items that permit access to the Internet.

BBVA is aware that one of the growing trends in communication, both personal and business, is to use email addresses with domains that are not formatted like normal web pages (such as "[email protected]"), but rather with domains that are more friendly and easy to remember (like "[email protected]").

Why choose the .bbva domain name?

- A professional email address that stands out in a very personal way.

- A personalized email domain name that can be used in any device or application, compatible with every platform and application without the need to change your email address.

- A strong and easy-to-remember email address that allows you to communicate and manage your emails and emails of any project, professional activity, or business in a very easy way.

- Configure your mail with [email protected] as an alternative email address in all devices such as smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, etc...

How can configure my email with the .bbva domain name?

In order to configure your email with the .bbva domain name you must follow these steps:

1- You must have a BBVA bank account or any other email address configured in your preferred email program.

2- Configure the .bbva domain name as an alternative email address in your preferred mail program, smartphone, tablet, etc...

3- All emails that are sent to [email protected] will automatically enter your email program configured with the .bbva address.

4- You can configure one or more email addresses ([email protected], [email protected], etc...) in your preferred mail program or device.

For example: if your preferred email program is Gmail follow these steps:

1 - You must have a BBVA account or any other email address configured in your Gmail account.

2 - Once you log into your Gmail account, access the settings and click on the tab "Accounts and Imports" and select "Add a mail account you own".

3 - Fill out the email address and click continue.

4- Complete your Gmail settings with the information below:

a) Name: Your name or a business name (optional).

b) Email address: [email protected]

c) Password: The password of the email address configured in step 1

d) Description: An optional description.

e) Check the box "Use secure connection (SSL) when sending mail".

f) Click on “Add account” and you are done!

Who controls the .bbva domain name?

The .bbva domain name is under the control and management of BBVA bank, which means that it is only valid for use with individuals or entities that have a business relationship with BBVA.

Who can apply for a .bbva domain name?

Only those people who already possess an email address configured in their preferred mail program (such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, etc...) can apply for a .bbva domain name.

What are the different types of .bbva domain names?

The type of BBVA domains is determined by the format of the email account itself, differentiated between two types of accounts:

a) Institucional accounts - The BBVA institution has an email account associated with their BBVA online bank account.

b) Personal accounts - The user has a personal email (such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail) and wants to use that email address with the .bbva domain name.