Expired .CREDITUNION Domains

.CREDITUNION Registry Information

Whois Server


Registration Date


Registered Domains


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.CREDITUNION Top Registrars

Registrar name Registered domains Share, %
101domain GRS Limited 339 49.42%
EnCirca, Inc. 59 8.60%
Secura GmbH 23 3.35%
CSC Corporate Domains, Inc. 20 2.92%
Instra Corporation Pty Ltd. 16 2.33%
MarkMonitor Inc. 15 2.19%
Lexsynergy Limited 5 0.73%
SafeNames Ltd. 2 0.29%
Ascio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio technologies, Inc. USA 1 0.15%

.creditunion Domain Name

A .creditunion is a top-level domain name for credit unions.

Who can use a .creditunion domain name?

.creditunion is open to the public. Anyone can register a .creditunion domain name. It is, however, most ideal for credit unions themselves.

Who regulates .creditunion Domain Name?

ICANN governs the .creditunion top-level domain name. ICANN is an international nonprofit responsible for overseeing all internet protocols and domain names, including new gTLDs like .creditunion. ICANN ensures that all .creditunion domain name registrations are in line with the global standards for top-level domains.

Tips to choose ideal .creditunion Domain Name:

When choosing a .creditunion domain name, it's important to keep the following things in mind:

- The domain name should reflect the credit union's name or branding.

- The domain name should be easy to remember and spell.

- The domain name should be unique and not already taken.

Why choose a .creditunion domain name?

There are a number of reasons why credit unions may want to register a .creditunion domain name:

- To protect their brand and identity online.

- To create a more professional and credible online presence.

- To make it easier for customers to find them online.

What's the Difference Between .com. and .creditunion?

Apart from the obvious, .com is a generic top-level domain name, while .creditunion is a specifically for credit unions. When registering a .creditunion domain name, credit unions must provide documentation to prove they are a bona fide credit union. This verification process helps ensure that only legitimate credit unions can use the .creditunion domain name.

Are there any restrictions when registering .creditunion domain name?

ICANN has certain rules and regulations that must be followed when applying for a .creditunion top-level domain name:

- A minimum of 25 domains must be registered in order to apply for a .creditunion domain name.

- The applicant must be a bona fide credit union.

- The applicant must provide documentation to prove they are a credit union.

Is .creditunion a community-based domain name?

Yes, .creditunion is a community-based domain name. Credit unions are required to provide documentation to prove they are a bona fide credit union in order to register a .creditunion domain name. This verification process helps ensure that only legitimate credit unions can use the .creditunion domain name.

What Documents Do You Need to Register .creditunion Domain Name?

In order to register a .creditunion domain name, the applicant must provide documentation to prove they are a bona fide credit union. This verification process helps ensure that only legitimate credit unions can use the .creditunion domain name. The following documents are typically required:

- Articles of Incorporation

- Bylaws

- Proof of State Charter or equivalent

- Letter from CEO or President confirming credit union is in good standing

- List of current domain names owned by the credit union

How Much Does .creditunion Domain Name Cost?

The cost to register a .creditunion domain name is $100 per year. This price includes one year of registration and one year of WHOIS privacy. There is a $25 renewal fee every year. However, this price may change depending on the registrar you use. The price range is also dependent on the number of years you register your domain.