Expired .CZ domains

Expired .CZ Domains


.CZ represents the official domain extension or the internet country code top level domain (ccTLD) of Czech Republic. It was introduced in 1993 and was intended for entities with connection to this country. CZ.NIC is the authorized unit for carrying out its registry.

Registration Requirements

There is no special process needed to register a .CZ domain name, no special action is needed on your end.

Intended Use

Entities affiliated with Czechia

.CZ Registry Information

Registration Service


Whois Server


Registration Date


Registration Price

$24.00 Annually

Registered Domains


Whois Privacy


.CZ Stats Last 24hrs

Domains Count 28
Domains with backlinks 28
Majestic TF > 5 6
Moz DA > 5 3
Ahrefs DR > 5 0

.CZ Stats Total

Domains Count 12023
Domains with backlinks 11739
Majestic TF > 5 1387
Moz DA > 5 734
Ahrefs DR > 5 179

To See All 1731 .CZ Domains

Example .CZ Domains

Domain Name Majestic TF Majestic CF Moz DA Moz PA Ahrefs DR Ahrefs UR SZ Score Age Google Index
isvav.cz 24 31 39 31 - - - - 2
eet-bezpecne.cz 20 17 - - - - - - -
hame-tabor.cz 16 1 - - - - - - -
olympiateam.cz 16 10 17 21 - - - - 1,130
netnorsko.cz 12 8 - - - - - - -
sppac.cz 11 13 20 22 8 0 - - 0
novyimpuls.cz 10 11 26 28 2 4 - - 0
3dplakaty.cz 10 12 25 24 2 4 - - 3
eshoppapirnictvi.cz 10 13 24 30 13 13 - - 318
prosexshop.cz 9 11 12 23 2 0 - - 985
magazinzeny.cz 9 17 25 42 - - - - 190
pepe-nabytek.cz 8 15 13 24 - - - - 0
maidoolomouc.cz 7 7 - - - - - - -
welcometobrno.cz 7 7 - - - - - - -
ceska-restaurace.cz 7 7 17 19 - - - - 0
jazykovekurzypraha.cz 7 19 32 29 - - - - 537
nejlevnejsitaxi.cz 6 11 15 21 9 1 - - 0
mimoagendu.cz 6 17 26 24 11 6 - - 41
hypotekykosinkova.cz 6 9 - - - - - - -
kasparek-baby.cz 6 22 34 29 - - - - 684

.CZ Top Registrars

Registrar name Registered domains Share, %
Active 24 AS 156,326 10.33%

.CZ Domain Sales

Domain Price Date Venue
joyclub.cz $9,409.00 2020-03-26 Sedo
whitewall.cz $4,692.00 2018-07-10 Sedo
symbiosis.cz $6,200.00 2018-02-04 Sedo
symbiosys.cz $6,195.00 2018-01-30 Sedo
campings.cz $11,797.00 2017-11-17 Sedo
rapala.cz $3,526.00 2017-10-17 Sedo
kazar.cz $3,004.00 2017-05-30 Sedo
slots.cz $6,349.00 2017-02-21 Sedo
moneza.cz $900.00 2017-01-10 RegNest.com

Who can register a .cz domain name?

Anyone can register a .cz domain name. The only requirement is a connection to the Czech Republic through a valid postal address or residence permit. There are no other requirements.

The following entities can own a .cz domain name.

  • Companies or organizations with registered offices in the Czech Republic.
  • Individuals living in the Czech Republic
  • Foreign legal entities with an office, branch, agency, or other representation in the Czech Republic

What is the .cz domain name?

.cz is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of the Czech Republic. Registrations must be ordered via accredited registrars, and domains must be paid for in advance of registration on a period of at least one year, during which they cannot be refunded or canceled.

The original purpose of .cz was to create an open, standardized registration system for Czechoslovakia's citizens and companies.

Still, it soon became apparent that it would also be popular with foreign users. This led to the creation of a separate top-level domain .cs, which Slovakia now uses.

How can I get a .cz domain name?

It's easy to register a .cz domain name. You need to follow the following steps.

  • Just look for an available .cz domain name.
  • Set it aside as you look for a licensed domain registrar. There are so many domain registrars out there, so be sure to choose well known one.
  • You can then register your domain name.

Why register for a .cz domain name?

When you own a .cz domain name, your site is more recognizable for the citizens of the Czech Republic. In addition, they will find it easier to find your website as their search engine results will include your site in their search even without having spelled out the suffix correctly.

The .cz domain can also help increase your website's visibility on Google as besides containing the terms relevant to your content, it is less competitive than other suffixes such as .com and .net.

There are other benefits: The Czech Republic has one of the highest online activities proportion in Europe (nearly 90 percent of citizens use the internet). That means that most people are familiar with the .cz suffix.

Who controls .cz domains?

CZ.NIC manages Czech domains. NIC, a nonprofit association (nonprofit organization) of legal and natural persons, is the only body that establishes domain policy for .cz namespaces.

The CZ decides all rules, principles of registration processes, and policies.

The board established the general policy for .cz domains, which consists of representatives of national institutions, ISPs, and domain registrars. Decisions at this level are made based on consensus.

The board's primary goal is to coordinate the interests of all parties that are involved in managing .cz domains.

What are some registration restrictions for a .cz domain name?

To register a .cz domain name, you need to follow the requirements below.

  • Always use 1-63 characters.
  • You can use numbers 0-9, letters a-z and hyphens. Whoever, never use hyphens in the first or last characters of your .cz domain name.
  • Special characters like # and & cannot be used.
  • Remember, IDNs are not supported as well.

Cheapest .CZ Prices

New Renew Transfer
GoDaddy $15.99 $15.99 $15.99
Z.com $320.83 $320.83