Expired .FISH Domains

Registration Requirements

There is no special process needed to register a .FISH domain name, no special action is needed on your end.

.FISH Registry Information

Registration Service


Whois Server


Registration Date


Registration Price

$31.00 Annually

Registered Domains


Whois Privacy


.FISH Stats Last 24hrs

Domains Count 1
Domains with backlinks 0
Majestic TF > 5 0
Moz DA > 5 0
Ahrefs DR > 5 0

.FISH Stats Total

Domains Count 1
Domains with backlinks 0
Majestic TF > 5 0
Moz DA > 5 0
Ahrefs DR > 5 0

To See All 6 .FISH Domains

Example .FISH Domains

Domain Name Majestic TF Majestic CF Moz DA Moz PA Ahrefs DR Ahrefs UR SZ Score Age Google Index
anger.fish 0 0 - - - - - - -
fresher.fish 0 11 - - - - - - -

.FISH Top Registrars

Registrar name Registered domains Share, %
GoDaddy.com, LLC 1,387 16.96%
Google LLC 772 9.44%
NameCheap, Inc. 671 8.20%
Tucows Domains Inc. 336 4.11%
Gandi SAS 219 2.68%
Name.com, Inc. 206 2.52%
Porkbun LLC 187 2.29%
Sav.com, LLC 139 1.70%
eNom, LLC 130 1.59%
Mesh Digital Limited 110 1.34%

.FISH Domain Sales

Domain Price Date Venue
eat.fish $36.00 2021-11-11 Dynadot
find.fish $155.00 2019-12-23 Dynadot

.Fish Domain Name

The fish is a magnificient aqua creature. There are hundreds and thousands of species of fish. Many people love to keep fish at their homes as a pet. The .fish domain name is specially for those who love and adore fish. The .fish domain name deals with every single thing that is related to a fish. The .fish domain is an ideal and focused website for fish-related things.

If you are a fish lover and want to know more and more about fish, you have come to just the right domain. It deals with selling and purchasing fish and gives you complete information about fish. Be it the fish food, fish nature, fish species, or whatever.

What Are The Objectives Of The .Fish Domain Name?

If you own a fish-related website and want to grow your business, then the .fish domain is there to help you. The basic goals and objectives of the .fish domain are to provide its customers with the best options related to fish.

It cherishes the online store of selling and purchasing fish. It also provides complete information about online fishing objects, types of equipment, and retailers. The informational blogs, articles, and posts about fishes are also available on the .fish domain name.

Why Should You Register For The .Fish Domain Name?

In the sea of domains and websites, it is nearly impossible to make an appearance as a business owner. The .fish domain name solves your problems by providing you with the best domains related to fish. The .fish domain name makes your space among other domains and provides you with a famous identity.

If you own a fish-related business or website, you can register yourself for this domain. The .fish domain name provides your fishing website with a competent and robust position, among others. It will enhance your business and online presence.

Are There Any Registration Restrictions For The .Fish Domain Name?

Happily, there are no specific restrictions for registration for the .fish domain name. Anyone can get registered for this domain. If you are an owner of an online fish-related website, then you can register for it.

If you are a customer and want to buy or sell fish, their fishing equipment, etc., you can also register for this. If you are a blogger and know very well about the fish, you can post your blogs online.

What Does The Registration Cost?

  • The registration for the .fish domain name will cost you $18.99 per year.
  • The renewal fee will be charged annually in the amount of $12.88.
  • The transfer fee will cost you around $12.88 annually.

What Are Some Benefits Of Registration For The .Fish Domain Name?

  • You can contact a large population about your business.
  • Your business will get to new heights.
  • Many people will approach your website by knowing your work.
  • You can read informational posts about fish.
  • You can post your blogs and articles about fish.