.FJ represents the official domain extension or the internet country code top level (ccTLD) of Fiji. This ccTLD was introduced in 1992 and was intended for entities associated or affiliated with Fiji. University of the South Pacific is the authorized institution for carrying out .FJ registry. On the other hand, Marcaria.com is one of the registrar for processing applications for .FJ domains.
FJ also stands for: fast jet, fruit juice, from Japan, free jeep, fly jet, foot job, flash jump, final justice, full job, figure jobs, fuel jet, find journal, for jobseekers, financial job, fast job, full jacket, forum jokes, and many more.
Entities connected with Fiji
$139.00 Annually
A .fj domain name can be registered by any person, organization, or entity using the services of the State's telecommunications provider, Telecom Fiji Limited.
The following entities can get a .fj domain name:
- Government Ministries
- Government Ministries (Companies)
- Government Boards/Authorities/Commissions/Statutory Bodies (Companies)
- State-Owned Companies
- Local Councils (Municipalities, Town Councils and Town Boards) (Companies)
- Semi-Autonomous "Bodies" (e.g., Health Service Boards, School Boards, etc.) (Companies)
- Statutory Corporations or Bodies established under any written law for commercial purposes.
There aren't many restrictions on who can own .fj domain names, but buyers must be affiliated with Fiji-registered companies or individuals over 18.
The .fj domain country is a top-level domain with the abbreviation of FJ. It is the designated domain for the country of Fiji. Fiji is a country of islands in the South Pacific. It is the fourth largest island group in the Pacific Ocean.
People looking for sites about Fiji will likely search for domains that are spelled out in total words rather than abbreviated with acronyms or initialisms.
However, many companies use domains like this one to represent their name correctly, even if it might not be an abbreviation of anything. This helps them get traffic without confusing people who may accidentally type something like .com instead of .fj.
There are many benefits to having a.FJ web address. The.FJ domain name will help advance and progress the nation's economy by creating a unique and marketable identity on the internet.
An easy-to-remember and accessible .fj web address is essential for people who wish to trade online, increase their business' national or international presence, promote Fiji tourism or connect with other locals.
The.FJ domain name is attractive to potential investors because the website owner can make themselves appear more professional.
This works alongside numerous other benefits of using a unique .fj web address, including marketing credibility and trustworthiness among locals and around the world.
Also, Government websites will be able to create links within their websites to lead the user directly to relevant information like maps of Fiji, weather reports in all parts of Fiji, or simply an easier way for people who only speak English to find information in their language, making it easy for them to connect with people from across the globe.
The .fj domain name is much less complicated than using a generic .com web address, which anyone in any country could use. Search engines use the unique naming system to help users find what they are looking for and allow site owners to promote their business more efficiently.
Domain names that include the Fijian language will also work alongside promotional campaigns aimed at overseas markets and can potentially reach up to 80% of Fiji's population who speak English as a second language.
An added benefit is that this provides an opportunity for local businesses to get ahead of their competitors through brand recognition, and by promoting themselves with Fijian language web addresses, they will gain instant trust from people on the internet.