There is no special process needed to register a .GF domain name, no special action is needed on your end.
Entities connected with French Guiana
$178.00 Annually
The .gf domain extension is open to anyone who meets the requirements specified by French Guiana's regulatory body. These include individuals either living in French Guiana or with an official address in French Guiana, as well as legal entities who have their headquarter or branch office located in French Guiana.
Below is a list of entities that can register the .gf domain names.
The domain name must be related to the activity of the owner. In principle, the domain name under .gf must be a geographical name that relates to French Guiana or to its inhabitants in a significant way.
Domain names under .gf must also respect general legal rules, mainly those related to trademarks and copyrights.
A .gf domain name is the official country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for French Guiana. This means you can use it to find more information about France's French colony in South America. Before this, .gp was used but has since been replaced by .gf for similar reasons.
Getting a .gf domain name is easy. Just follow the steps below to register a .gf domain name.
There are plenty of registrars online and some offer great deals and discounts, so make sure you do your research before buying a domain name.
There are many benefits of owning a .gf domain name? Let's have a look at them below.