Expired .IKANO Domains

.IKANO Registry Information

Registration Service


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What is the .ikano domain name?

The .IKANO domain name is a new generic top-level domain (gTLD) for use by Ikano Group and the companies and brands it owns (the "Business").

The mission and purpose of the Business are to empower people to manage their property and life, ultimately aiming for people's satisfaction in all that they do. The TLD will serve the Business' marketing needs (to communicate with existing and potential customers) and brand awareness.

The Ikano Group owns and operates a number of businesses, including Ikano Bank, Ikano Power Centre, Ikano Retail, Ikano Home, and other property and life management businesses.

The Businesses have a global presence with customers in more than 26 countries. The .IKANO domain name will provide a unified online presence for all of the Group's businesses and brands.

The .IKANO domain name is open to anyone who wishes to register a domain name. However, the Business will have priority registration and use of the domain name in accordance with its mission and purpose.

Why choose a .ikano domain name?

There are many reasons why you might want to choose a .IKANO domain name for your website. Some of the benefits include:

1. Uniqueness – The .IKANO domain name is not currently available on any other top-level domain (TLD) extension, so it is highly unique and memorable.

2. Brand Awareness – The .IKANO domain name will help to promote the Ikano Group's businesses and brands to existing and potential customers online.

3. Marketing Opportunities – The .IKANO domain name provides a range of marketing opportunities for the Business, such as using it as a website address, email address, or in marketing materials.

4. Global Reach – Within more than 26 countries, the .IKANO domain name has global appeal.

5. Safer Internet – The use of the .IKANO domain name will contribute towards safer internet, helping to protect children online and avoiding any potential phishing risks.

6. Community Support – Like all new gTLDs, .IKANO is open to the public so anyone can register a domain name with this suffix.

What are the restrictions to registering a .ikano domain name?

There are no restrictions to the registration of a .IKANO domain name. Anyone can register one regardless of geographic location or nationality. However, in order to register a .IKANO domain name, you must be registered with an ICANN-accredited registrar. For your convenience, Ikano Bank registers all new .IKANO domains on our customers' behalf when they open their accounts.

What are the rules for registration?

The Business will have first-priority registration rights for .IKANO domain names. As a result, other parties cannot register an identical or confusingly similar domain name to that of the Business without permission.

All registrations are subject to Ikano Bank approval at any time and for any reason (including if it is determined that you registered or acquired the domain name primarily for the purpose of selling, renting, or otherwise transferring the domain name registration to another party).

At any time, anyone can send Ikano Bank their written request explaining why you believe the .IKANO domain name should be transferred to them (if it is not already registered). The written request must contain sufficient documentation that proves your claim (e.g. documentation that proves you are the rightful owner of the trademark). Ikano Bank will review your request and make a determination accordingly.