Expired .IN domains

Expired .IN Domains


.IN represents the official domain extension or the internet country code top level domain (ccTLD) of India. It was introduced in 1989 and was intended for entities affiliated with India. This domain suffix is not very popular in its own country as many Indian companies have a higher preference for .COM or .ORG domains.

Registration Requirements

There is no special process needed to register a .IN domain name, no special action is needed on your end.

Intended Use

Entities connected with India

.IN Registry Information

Registration Service


Whois Server


Registration Date


Registration Price

$19.00 Annually

Registered Domains


Whois Privacy


.IN Stats Last 24hrs

Domains Count 208
Domains with backlinks 200
Majestic TF > 5 8
Moz DA > 5 3
Ahrefs DR > 5 0

.IN Stats Total

Domains Count 39482
Domains with backlinks 38178
Majestic TF > 5 941
Moz DA > 5 475
Ahrefs DR > 5 187

To See All 5504 .IN Domains

Example .IN Domains

Domain Name Majestic TF Majestic CF Moz DA Moz PA Ahrefs DR Ahrefs UR SZ Score Age Google Index
generatorexplorer.co.in 0 4 - - - - - - -
acsinternational.co.in 0 0 - - - - - - -
echostream.in 8 10 - - - - - - -
bestdeal.co.in 7 21 16 40 - - - - -
seoquick.in 7 15 21 24 - - - - 0
thisthatandlife.in 6 15 7 23 - - - - 6
hindipcduniya.in 5 13 15 26 - - - - 6
galls.in 4 12 12 31 0 1 - - 0
royaletourism.in 4 11 - - - - - - -
dongde.in 3 15 6 38 - - - - 0
jippy.in 3 13 11 31 - - - - 26
vads.in 3 16 20 37 - - - - 0
mcacareers.in 2 12 9 24 - - - - 2
sadrimusic.in 2 13 10 28 - - - - 63
gfix.in 2 13 13 30 - - - - 2
pearlmedia.in 2 12 10 26 - - - - 0
bestairfryers.in 2 13 7 26 - - - - 1
tutorshub.in 2 13 10 23 - - - - 0
onlinemania.in 2 13 9 22 - - - - 0
c42ventures.in 2 11 7 24 - - - - 5

.IN Top Registrars

Registrar name Registered domains Share, %
GoDaddy.com, LLC 1,009,077 33.56%
Dynadot, LLC 95,501 3.18%
Hosting Concepts B.V. d/b/a Registrar.eu 76,143 2.53%
Key-Systems GmbH 52,055 1.73%
NameCheap, Inc. 47,693 1.59%
Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd 33,789 1.12%
Net 4 India Limited 31,359 1.04%
Tucows Domains Inc. 26,681 0.89%
NameSilo, LLC 22,148 0.74%
Name.com, Inc. 18,242 0.61%

.IN Domain Sales

Domain Price Date Venue
homerental.in $273.00 2021-12-31 DaaZ.com
paytime.in $500.00 2021-12-30 DaaZ.com
cardamom.in $6,694.00 2021-12-26 DaaZ.com
painfree.in $500.00 2021-12-15 DaaZ.com
sharespace.in $380.00 2021-12-08 DaaZ.com
fit.in $16,989.00 2021-12-08 Sedo
eldercare.in $867.00 2021-12-02 DaaZ.com
gpix.in $14.00 2021-11-02 Flippa
indica.in $1,717.00 2021-10-27 DaaZ.com
travelguide.in $1,800.00 2021-10-14 Sedo

The .in domain name comes from the word "India" and it is the Internet country code top-level domain for India.

It offers people in India a registered domain name, that will correspond to their location and speak to their culture.

The .in domain name is recognized as a generic top-level domain (gTLD) and it is used for the registration of Indian websites.

It was introduced in the year 1985, and recently it became open to use by foreign companies and individuals as well. (.in ccTLD).

What is a .in domain name?

The .in domain name is short for India and it means that the website itself is based in India. People living in India use the .in name to show their affiliation with India and it is also a way for people from other countries to be able to recognize that your website is related to India.

Who can buy .in domain names?

Any person or company can buy a .in domain name. This is the same with any other domain name, for example, you need to be at least 18 years old to purchase one.

People or companies that are not living in India must get permission from an Indian representative before they will be allowed to register.

How much does it cost?

The yearly cost for owning a .in domain name is $15. You can also pay for five years in advance, which will result in price reduction, and some hosting providers offer a free domain for one year with their hosting bundles.

When does the registration expire?

The .in domain name expires after 1 year of being registered. This means that you have to renew your license every year after purchasing it, or otherwise your domain will no longer be valid.

Why is the .in domain used?

The .in domain is used by Indians, or people living in India. It is also the accepted standard for businesses based in India, and it also offers people anywhere in the world to discover more about your culture and location.

Where can I buy a .in domain name?

You can buy a .in domain name by visiting their registrar page. You can also use some hosting providers who will aid you in the process, for example, GoDaddy and Namecheap.

How do I register a .in domain name?

The process of registering a .in domain is quite simple and it won't take more than a few minutes before your new website is online and accessible to everyone. You can start this process by clicking here.

Is .in domain good?

A .in domain name is a great option for people living in India, as it offers them an easy way to connect with other Indian websites.

At the same time, it also allows people from abroad easily recognize if your website or online business is related to India.

What are the rules & regulations of registering a .in domain?

When it comes to the rules of registering a .in domain you will need to follow a few simple guidelines.

  • This is the same with every other domain, for example, no special characters must be from 2-63 symbols and you may not sell or rent your .in name.
  • What are available extensions?
  • There are multiple extensions people can choose from when they register for a new website. The most popular ones include: .com, .net, .