Expired .NO domains

Expired .NO Domains


.NO refers to the official domain extension or the internet country code top level domain (ccTLD) of Norway. It was introduced in 1983 and was intended for entities with affiliation to Norway. Norid is the authorized unit for carrying out its registry.

Registration Requirements

Registration of a .NO domain name is subject to the following conditions:


An organization registered in Norway


A Norwegian citizen being 18+ and having an address in Norway

Limited to 100 domains per organization or 5 domains per individual

Intended Use

Entities connected with Norway

.NO Registry Information

Registration Service


Whois Server


Registration Date


Registration Price

$45.00 Annually

Registered Domains


Whois Privacy


.NO Stats Last 24hrs

Domains Count 29
Domains with backlinks 29
Majestic TF > 5 2
Moz DA > 5 1
Ahrefs DR > 5 1

.NO Stats Total

Domains Count 5011
Domains with backlinks 4968
Majestic TF > 5 520
Moz DA > 5 155
Ahrefs DR > 5 41

To See All 720 .NO Domains

Example .NO Domains

Domain Name Majestic TF Majestic CF Moz DA Moz PA Ahrefs DR Ahrefs UR SZ Score Age Google Index
face-face.no 9 10 - - - - - - -
evctrondheim.no 8 11 - - - - - - -
vikafrisorene.no 8 11 - - - - - - -
minskoyte.no 6 9 7 21 7 7 - - 1
medeco.no 4 4 - - - - - - -
johnsenkran.no 1 16 - - - - - - -
barnasnaf.no 0 4 - - - - - - -
letsbid.no 0 8 - - - - - - -
bruktebrakker.no 0 4 - - - - - - -
kalmarind.no 0 4 - - - - - - -
gasbuhyttegrend.no 0 0 - - - - - - -
auto-sport.no 0 4 - - - - - - -
kvarnhuset.no 0 4 - - - - - - -
royalnawab.no 0 8 - - - - - - -
bk-outlet.no 0 0 - - - - - - -
fish-vet.no 0 4 - - - - - - -
elspot.no 0 4 - - - - - - -
tropenattfestivalen.no 0 4 - - - - - - -
nullpeiling.no 0 4 - - - - - - -
elgklinten.no 0 4 - - - - - - -

.NO Domain Sales

Domain Price Date Venue
shopify.no $2,600.00 2019-01-17 Sedo
heiskontroll.no $3,401.00 2019-01-10 Sedo
68.no $2,836.00 2018-12-05 Sedo
campings.no $6,221.00 2018-03-26 Sedo
fitshop.no $7,489.00 2018-02-15 Sedo
sparinvest.no $11,233.00 2018-02-01 Sedo
safarireiser.no $3,577.00 2017-04-05 Sedo
9s.no $150.00 2017-01-01 Flippa
lekia.no $2,250.00 2016-12-12 Sedo

.no domain name

A .no domain can be used by anyone that is interested in getting a domain name from Norway. It can also be bought and owned by Norwegians, companies, or organizations with a local presence in the country of Norway.

In other words, if you are looking for a specific .no website address to get your business out there more easily on Norwegian soil, then this is the ideal domain name for you.

Who regulates .no domain name?

Regulation of .no domains is taken care of by UNINETT, which can be contacted in order to register a new one or transfer an existing website address from another registrar over to their servers.

This company is known for being very flexible and easy to work with when it comes down to getting a new .no website name or transferring an existing one.

What are the common subdomains for .no domain names?

The most common subdomains for .no domain names are:

  • .com.no - used for commercial purposes
  • .edu.no - reserved for educational institutions in the country of Norway
  • .dep.no - reserved for governmental institutions
  • .org.no - used by organizations in Norway
  • .mil.no - used by the military

Tips to choose an ideal .no name

When choosing a domain name for your website, it's important to keep in mind that many Norwegians do not speak English well enough and so you should avoid using foreign words or names if possible.

Also, try to use simple words instead of long ones since longer words can be harder to spell and even more difficult for Norwegians to understand.

Can you register a no-domain without a local presence?

No, the owner of a .no website must have either a physical or legal presence in the country of Norway to be able to get their hands on one of these special addresses.

If you are setting up a website for your business, then you will need to have either an office or some sort of representation in the country itself.

What documents do you need to register

To register .no domains, you will need to provide the following documents:

Valid passport or ID card - which must be valid for at least another year. If you are transferring a domain name from one registrar provider to another then your company registration papers may also suffice in place of this document.

Proof of address - can come in several forms including but not limited to:

Utility bills or bank statements. These must be in the name of whoever is trying to register a .no domain and they should have been issued within the last three months.

Phone bill: A mobile phone bill can also work well, provided that your full name appears on it somewhere along with an address where you are currently residing at.

How much does .no domain cost?

The prices for registering your own custom made .no name vary greatly depending on factors like name availability or the number of years you would like to register it for.

Generally, the rates range from around $17 to $38 per year. It's recommended that you contact UNINETT directly in order to get more information on their rates and services.