Expired .PLACE Domains

Registration Requirements

There is no special process needed to register a .PLACE domain name, no special action is needed on your end.

.PLACE Registry Information

Registration Service


Whois Server


Registration Date


Registration Price

$29.00 Annually

Registered Domains


Whois Privacy


.PLACE Stats Last 24hrs

Domains Count 0
Domains with backlinks 0
Majestic TF > 5 0
Moz DA > 5 0
Ahrefs DR > 5 0

.PLACE Stats Total

Domains Count 0
Domains with backlinks 0
Majestic TF > 5 0
Moz DA > 5 0
Ahrefs DR > 5 0

To See All 11 .PLACE Domains

Example .PLACE Domains

Domain Name Majestic TF Majestic CF Moz DA Moz PA Ahrefs DR Ahrefs UR SZ Score Age Google Index
popupparty.place 0 4 - - - - - - -
cherry.place 0 16 - - - - - - -

.PLACE Top Registrars

Registrar name Registered domains Share, %
NameCheap, Inc. 1,850 15.67%
GoDaddy.com, LLC 1,774 15.03%
Google LLC 1,319 11.17%
Porkbun LLC 409 3.46%
Name.com, Inc. 289 2.45%
Network Solutions, LLC 268 2.27%
Gandi SAS 207 1.75%
GoDaddy Online Services Cayman Islands Ltd. 193 1.63%
OVH sas 159 1.35%
Register.com, Inc. 137 1.16%

.PLACE Domain Sales

Domain Price Date Venue
mverse.place $4.00 2021-12-29 Sav.com
quiz.place $17.00 2021-11-04 Dynadot
credit.place $110.00 2020-06-20 Dynadot
brand.place $106.00 2020-04-17 Dynadot
shares.place $1,052.00 2018-08-17 Sedo
mail.place $1,590.00 2018-08-16 Sedo
apartments.place $130.00 2017-08-08 Flippa
our.place $10,000.00 2017-05-30 Uniregistry

What is the .play domain name?

The .play domain name is a new "Top Level Domain" (TLD) that allows any person, organization, and industry to easily create and share websites.

The .play domain reflects the interests of those that play games as well as those who want to provide services such as music, creative design, or digital applications to those who do. The

.play domain is available for public registration and open to anyone who meets the .play registration policies.

What can I use a .play domain name for?

The .play TLD is meant for personal use, such as blogs, educational purposes, entertainment websites, or forums; though it can also be used for businesses such as; online magazines, advertising agencies, retail stores, and more.

Organizations such as associations and interest groups will find the .play TLD useful to help promote their cause and generate discussion amongst members of their group.

The label "play" can even be extended to create fun labels like ".fun", "kids", "dance", etc... so sites with these labels would be considered perfectly suitable uses of the label ".play".

What can I do with a .play website?

There are many different types of websites that can be created with the .play TLD:

· Websites for video games and digital products

· Blogs about playing with friends or family members

· Websites that provide advice on becoming a better gamer or help others find the best equipment

· Social networking websites for gamers and industry professionals

· Music related websites such as radio stations, concert venues, and music stores using soundcloud.com

· Websites for creative professionals who want to share their work with others

· Online stores that sell video games, gaming equipment, and other related products

Can I register any domain name I want with the .play TLD?

No, you cannot register any domain name you want with the .play TLD. There are certain rules and regulations that must be followed in order to register a .play domain name.

Is there anything else I need to know about the .play TLD?

Yes, you cannot register a .play TLD domain name if it is the same or similar to an already existing trademark. You can view a list of trademark rules and regulations on the website for the .play TLD.

Why choose .play?

A .play domain name is perfect for any website or business that wants to promote fun, enjoyment, and pleasure. Whether you're a musician, artist, or just looking to have some fun online, a .play domain name is a perfect choice for you.

With over 100 million registrations worldwide, there's no better place to showcase your talents than with a .play domain name.

.play domain names are also great for businesses in the entertainment industry. If you're looking to promote movies, TV shows, concerts, or any other type of entertainment event, a .play domain name is a perfect way to do it.

Not only will you stand out from the competition, but you'll also be providing a valuable service to your customers.

The .play domain name is a great choice for anyone who wants to create a website that reflects their interests in gaming, music, and creative design.

It is also perfect for businesses that want to reach out to customers who are interested in these industries. The .play TLD is brand new, so there are many different types of websites that can be created with it!