.sncf domain name is a sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) managed by the AFNIC. The Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais (SNCF) is the registry of .sncf. According to Alexa traffic rank, .sncf domain name is ranked number 10,301 most visited website in the world.
Anyone can register a .sncf domain name for personal or commercial use provided that they are connected to SNCF either directly or through one of its group companies. However, businesses must provide a certificate proving their direct or indirect affiliation with SNCF.
In 2011, the French government's Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes (ARCEP) approved a plan to introduce seven new domain name extensions in France to be operated by AFNIC. The .sncf top-level domain replaced the two-letter country code sfr previously used by SNCF.
The .sncf domain name has webmaster tools built into its control panel, which make it easy to configure DNS records and set up SPF/Sender ID records. There are five mail servers available at the second level: smtp.sncf, mail.sncf, pop3.sncf, imap.sncf and autodiscover.
A .sncf domain name provides an easy-to-remember web address for the French railways sector. For companies and organizations connected to SNCF, a .sncf domain name provides a way of demonstrating their affiliation with the national railway company and making it easier for consumers and other businesses to find them online.
.sncf domain name registrations are approved via a ‘first come, first served’ basis so there are no restrictions on who can apply for them. However, the registry requests that you provide proof of your affiliation with SNCF or any group company if you register a domain name for someone else.
Yes, domain transfers are supported by the registry. However, you would have to open a ticket with customer support via the online web form. The process is not automated so it will take longer than other domain transfers. You may need to provide the Auth/DS record of the domain being transferred, as well as any additional information required by your current registrar.
The registry may request proof of your affiliation with SNCF or one of its group companies. As such, domain name applicants must provide a certificate proving their affiliation with SNCF either directly or through an affiliate company. To demonstrate direct affiliation, applicants must fill out an online form hosted by the registry, which is then reviewed manually.
Applicants affiliated with SNCF through one of its affiliate companies must submit a signed letter of authorisation from their parent company and identification documentation such as passport or driver’s license details.
This said, registrars are expected to require the same information as each other and generally follow ICANN's guidelines.
The price depends on the registrar you choose to register your domain name with, but typically ranges from $25 to $30 per year. For more information about prices, please contact your preferred registrar directly.