Entities connected with Turkmenistan
$107.00 Annually
.tm is the top-level domain for Turkmenistan meaning that websites with this extension are mostly used by companies or organizations originating from Turkmenistan, or businesses related to Turkmenistan.
Countries can have more than one country-code top-level domain name, so it isn't necessarily true that a .tm website would be related to Turkmenistan but is more likely.
Anybody can buy a .tm domain name. There are specific terms and conditions associated with the domain, but you must meet these to be eligible for ownership.
Some of which include being eligible for trademarking the word or phrase in question for your company, being at least 18 years of age, having a legal nationality in one of the 185 member countries of the World Intellectual Property Organization, and being able to provide contact information- at least one telephone number and at least one mailing address.
Anyone who is interested in having a website with a .tm extension would be able to purchase one.
It's important to note that just because someone wants one doesn't mean that they will get approved as the domain name registrar needs to find out if that person or organization qualifies first.
Possible reasons could be because by choosing a country-specific domain extension, people know they will get more trust and authority from the public when it comes to websites from their country of origin.
.com is the most widely used domain extension in the world today, however, it isn't the only one that exists and some people will prefer using a country-specific version instead if they can get approved to have one.
The reason why a country code-specific extension might be preferred by some people is that in addition to the company name it usually includes the country's flag or national symbols, making it much easier for web users to identify that they are viewing a website about that particular country.
This is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Turkmenistan and can be used by anyone who would like to have a website with this extension. It's important to note that just because someone wants
Typically, this type of website is used by businesses in Turkmenistan or businesses related to Turkmenistan. However, it doesn't mean that if you are not located in Turkmenistan you can't buy one with your company name!
Standard benefits:
- Can be used for any website.
- Easy to understand and remember.
- Simple to remember and spell.
- More memorable than other domain extensions.
- Mobile-friendly website address (e.g., http://www.yoursite.tm).
Emotional benefits:
- Make a statement with your .tm domain name!
- Make it clear what your company is about!
- Show the world just how unique you are!
- Make your customers feel at home with you!
- You can't get better than a .tm domain name!
Some people will prefer using a country-specific version over .com if they are able to get approved for one.
The benefits of having a .tm domain are that it can easily identify your website as being related to Turkmenistan.
In addition, the site will stand out as being more professional as many people are used to seeing websites with a .com ending and some people may not even know that there are other options available for their web addresses.