Expired .US Domains

Registration Requirements

There is no special process needed to register a .US domain name, no special action is needed on your end.

Intended Use

Entities connected with the United States

.US Registry Information

Registration Service


Whois Server


Registration Date


Registration Price

$15.00 Annually

Registered Domains


Whois Privacy


.US Stats Last 24hrs

Domains Count 590
Domains with backlinks 156
Majestic TF > 5 18
Moz DA > 5 7
Ahrefs DR > 5 4

.US Stats Total

Domains Count 2559
Domains with backlinks 602
Majestic TF > 5 51
Moz DA > 5 27
Ahrefs DR > 5 15

To See All 13181 .US Domains

Example .US Domains

Domain Name Majestic TF Majestic CF Moz DA Moz PA Ahrefs DR Ahrefs UR SZ Score Age Google Index
replicawatch.us 21 11 8 18 - - - - -
harlankysheriff.us 20 12 - - - - - - -
riag.us 20 11 - - - - - - -
bully4.us 20 11 7 25 0 0 - - 1
viayoga.us 19 8 14 17 - - - - -
firstarpchurch.us 19 11 8 15 - - - - -
nuggetsofwisdom.us 19 10 6 20 - - - - -
lovingarms.us 19 12 13 24 0 0 - - 1
bruceskis.us 18 8 - - - - - - -
hawkinsauction.us 18 14 7 18 - - - - -
i-spy.us 11 1 - - - - - - -
reversephonelookups.us 7 15 19 25 2 0 - 13 1
aardvarknow.us 7 16 21 39 - - - - 1
haomama.us 3 15 8 26 - - - - 3
wethepeopleusa.us 3 12 15 20 6 1 - - 0
usoutdoor.us 2 11 10 19 4 0 - - 1
rubbervir.us 2 11 19 22 4 0 - - 1
indoxxi.us 2 14 11 27 - - - - 1
bisexualdatingsite.us 2 17 12 28 - - - - 1
1bb.us 1 13 9 17 - - - - 1

.US Top Registrars

Registrar name Registered domains Share, %
GoDaddy.com, LLC 744,767 21.30%
NameCheap, Inc. 181,855 5.20%
Google LLC 75,733 2.17%
Sav.com, LLC 68,630 1.96%
Dynadot, LLC 56,914 1.63%
Tucows Domains Inc. 55,431 1.59%
Network Solutions, LLC 52,757 1.51%
CSC Corporate Domains, Inc. 34,003 0.97%
eNom, LLC 33,625 0.96%
PDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com 30,384 0.87%

.US Domain Sales

Domain Price Date Venue
mytoday.us $10.00 2021-12-31 GoDaddy
turbospeed.us $15.00 2021-12-31 GoDaddy
evoxfit.us $20.00 2021-12-31 GoDaddy
lightstrip.us $10.00 2021-12-30 GoDaddy
everywoman.us $10.00 2021-12-29 GoDaddy
comicspl.us $11.00 2021-12-29 Dynadot
tural.us $15.00 2021-12-29 GoDaddy
hourglass.us $26.00 2021-12-29 GoDaddy
worldvideo.us $10.00 2021-12-28 GoDaddy
goodgame.us $96.00 2021-12-28 GoDaddy

Is .US a good domain?

While a .com or a .org domain name is enough to tell the world what your website is about, it may not be very informative.

If you wanted to know more about how many people own .us domain names and what they use them for, one of the first things you might do is search for information on "us domains".

It is a top-level domain for the United States of America.

Yes, it is a good, or great domain because .us domains have always been a country code top-level domain for the United States of America, also it is the second-largest country code top-level domain in the world.

Who can own a .us domain name?

If you are a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or organization with an established presence in the United States, you can buy a .us domain name.

US domains fall under the same rules as .com and .net domain names. According to usregistry.org, though, "Any individual or organization in the world can register a .us domain name, however, you must have a physical presence within the United States."

How do I get a .US domain name?

The process is fairly easy, so long as you have the right documents. You must prove that you are either a citizen or resident of the United States, either through your legal residence being in the US or an official document from your government showing your citizenship status.

If you take the first route, citizenship, you can present any number of documents: "Your birth certificate (must show U.S. place of birth), your passport (U.S. nationality, no visa required to enter or live in the United States), your Certificate of Naturalization (form N-550 or N-570). If you have a green card, you can present your Certificate of Naturalization (form N-550 or N-570) plus your Alien Registration Receipt Card (form I-151)."

If you take the second route, residency, you need a variety of documents: "Your original valid state driver's license from your home state or territory showing that you currently reside in the United States, or your original valid foreign passport along with an original or certified copy of a state-issued birth certificate showing your birthplace as being in the U.S."

What is the US domain used for?

The .us domain is the ccTLD (country code top-level domain) for the United States. This means it's the dominant top-level domain used by U.S.-based businesses and organizations when developing websites, email addresses, and other internet services.

Can .US domains are private?

Yes, it is a private domain name which means you have to fill out the registration and wait for approval before you can start using your .us ccTLD.

You may not be able to access updates in real-time, or at all if your request is rejected or put on hold for some reason.

Why choose a .us domain name?

.US is the second-largest ccTLD on the internet, and does very well for its users: "A .us domain name offers an alternative to .com and is ideal for any business or individual looking to make a strong statement of affiliation with the United States.

They have a good ranking, so they can be an excellent choice for your website because Google and other search engines show a preference for .com domain names.

As a country-specific extension, .us is the ideal Google+ name to use when it comes to marketing anything that has to do with U.S.-based businesses or organizations.

You'll have a good opportunity to boost your online presence quickly with the right choice of .us domain name.