.verisign is a new top-level domain name (TLD) that VeriSign has reserved for its exclusive use. It's the new top-level domain name of Verisign, the registry that owns .com and runs it for the public good.
.verisign is the first TLD with a global character string indicator, also known as a "dotless domain name."
This means registrants will be able to use words instead of numbers to identify their Web sites, an important step towards universal interoperability of the Internet.
The .verisign name extension is NOT open to the public. VeriSign will be using it as a part of its business and corporate communications.
.verisign offers a company or individual the ability to clearly identify themselves as being associated with VeriSign, the leading provider of domain name registry services and Internet security.
In addition, .verisign is also ideal for individual professionals using it to communicate their affiliation with VeriSign.
The .verisign name extension is a unique and character-string indicator of VeriSign, the most trusted and secure online identity for individuals, businesses, and partners around the world.
.verisign will be used by Verisign to:
If someone else claims your .verisign domain name, you should contact VeriSign directly.
VeriSign will review the claim and determine whether it's valid.
If VeriSign makes a determination that there is no infringement, nothing further needs to be done. However, if the claim is found to be valid, Verisign will require you to transfer or assign all rights in and to the domain name to VeriSign.
If someone else has registered it before you, we recommend one of these options:
You can choose another available TLD for your site; or
You can contact the current registrant of .verisign and ask if they would be willing to sell it.
We also recommend that you register a matching .com domain name for your site, which is a great way to protect your business identity on the Internet.
A few possible examples include:
Yourcompanyname.verisign; and
Yes, in order to register your .verisign website you must work for or represent VeriSign.
VeriSign requires this restriction because .verisign is only for the use of VeriSign and its affiliates, subsidiaries, and divisions.
A .verisign site is a Web site that's hosted on VeriSign servers and includes the company name, service or product offering, and contact information.
Unlike a regular VeriSign website that you can purchase and register yourself, these sites are only available if you work for or represent VeriSign.
The .verisign domain name is different from the VeriSign corporate rental site because it will be used by VeriSign to communicate directly with its employees.
This TLD offers the flexibility of using words instead of numbers for Web site names, so registrants can use descriptive names to help users find their sites more easily.