Expired .WALMART Domains

.WALMART Registry Information

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What is the .walmart domain name?

The new .walmart top-level domain (TLD) is a chance for everyone to describe products, services, or content on the internet in their own way. The .walmart TLD will allow you to create web addresses that match your passion.

For years, many customers have told us they found it difficult to remember web addresses. The new .walmart TLD is an opportunity for you to be creative and share your point of view with the world.

Who cannot register .walmart domains?

To keep the .walmart namespace safe, exclusive, and inoffensive, we've created a few very specific registration requirements to help us maintain that.

Some of the restricted content you cannot use in your .walmart domain name includes:

• Offensive or suggestive words/phrases (swear words, sexual acts, etc.)

• Gang-related names or aliases

• Real-life people's names (unless they give express written consent)

The .walmart TLD is exclusively for use by Walmart and its affiliates.

What types of domains can be registered under the .walmart TLD?

The .walmart TLD will support all types of registrations, from local presence to individual namespaces to recognized business entities globally.

There is no limit on how many character labels/words you can have in your web address, however, it is limited to 63 characters.

Who can register .walmart domains?

The .walmart TLD is available to

• Businesses that operate at Walmart

• Anyone who makes, buys, or sells products at Walmart (businesses that make or sell goods at Walmart)

• Approved nonprofits for use in fundraising.

Why choose .walmart?

.walmart will provide a namespace for customers and contributors to share their passion, expertise, and products with the world.

The .walmart TLD is a way to show your connection with Walmart, boost your web presence in an easy-to-manage web address, and allow you to quickly locate others interested in Walmart.

The .walmart TLD is a chance to tell your story.

1. New extension makes it easy to find you

2. Stand out from the crowd with meaningful names that describe how you do business

3. Exceptional customer service and support

4. We'll help market your site on Walmart.com, our social channels, and through our affiliate network

The new namespace is available for anyone who wants to create an online destination that matches their passion or tells their own unique story!

When you register a .walmart TLD, your web address tells the world you are part of Walmart's community.

It's also convenient for customers at walmart.com and globally to find your site and it makes it easier to be found by search engines like Google and Bing.

Can I use the .walmart domain name if I do not work for Walmart?

You can purchase a .walmart domain even if you don't work for Walmart or have any affiliation with them at all! It's an opportunity for our customers from all walks of life to get in on a cool new space on the internet.

Being able to register a branded term as a second-level domain under .walmart is an exciting opportunity for customers and non-customers alike.

As a second-level domain, .walmart will be much easier to remember than third-level domains such as contoso.applications and microsoft.support that may include long strings of numbers or characters not easily remembered by potential customers.