This is the artificial intelligence (AI) used to automatically write full length articles.

AutoMator uses a custom developed machine learning infrastructure that combines many different AI technologies.  

Article Type

Here you select the different AI Models to generate your articles.  We will be adding more in future.

 Standard: This AI model will produce full length articles with a size between 700-1500 words long.  The output in generally in plain text format.

Standard+HTML: This AI model is the same as above, though the output will contain full HTML formatting.  The length of these article may be shorter than those produced from the Standard AI model.

 Unlimited: This AI model will generate much larger article with an average length of 2000 words to 5000 words.  This output will also contain HTML formatting.


This setting determines how creative you would like the article to be. Using a settings of 1 will write in a more accurate manner, where using a setting of 3 would produce more creative writing.

Main Keyword

This is generally the main keyword of your article. In this setting you enter the main keyword for generating the Article Structure details in the next section.

Article Structure

This set of settings is used to send to the AI for the article generation.  You can click on the AutoMate button to automatically populate all of the settings in the three tabs Article Title, Description and Keywords.

Each tab also have a Generate button you can use to ask the AI to only populate the specific tab you are viewing.

Article Outline

The Article Outlines are also known as the Content Brief.  These are the topics and headings you're telling the AI to use when generating your article.

Use the drop down menu to select a content brief you have previously saved.

Use the "+ Add Outline" button to create a new outlines for your article.  This will open a new window which contains the Content Brief generation tool.  

Go here to read more about the Content Brief generation tool.


The media settings allows you to automatically insert relevant, royalty-free images into your article.  Or you can use AI to generate brand new images.

Media Search Keyword: Input a keyword you would like to search for related images.  Or use this to enter details about the image you would like the AI to generate.

Total Images: Enter how many images you would like included in the article.

Word Gap: This is the spacing within the article you would like each image to appear.

Generate Article

Once you have populated the data inside the AutoMator section, its time to generate your article.

Click on the "Generate Article" button and wait 2-3mins for the AI to generate your article.